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Adding new links
still struggling!

Comments on Adding new links


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Location: England

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Posted Sep 09, 2005 - 10:17 PM:

Your manual for link types and adding states:

Next, edit your 'show links in category' template. In order to create a unique style for this link type (by default it shows with the same HTML as regular links), copy the style which has been used for regular links and change it to fit what you wish for your new group. For example:

<blink><b>Extra special type of link: <a href="link.php?id={LINKID}">{LINKTITLE}</a>< /b></blink>

You will also need to make use of this link type in your 'search all' and 'search links' templates. In these templates, the HTML is similar but you should use slightly different opening and closing comments:
<blink><b>Extra special type of link: <a href="link.php?id={LINKID}">{LINKTITLE}</a>< /b></blink>

Sounds simple except when you go to the displaylinks.tpl and search for that href string it is not there. Instead you have two separate areas that show the comment <!-- BEGIN REGULAR --> SO, do we have to copy both those entire areas and just change the comments to <!-- BEGIN PREMIUM -->??

Is there anything else we should do?

I hate having to keep posting a message here with small silly queries, and waiting an age (time difference as well) for a reply. Would be so pleased if you could get a better manual written that exlains more fully and is actually up to date. :-)

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Posted Sep 10, 2005 - 9:22 AM:

The only <!-- BEGIN REGULAR --> in displaylinks.tpl is for categories, not links. Do as the manual says for links, which are further down toward the middle of the template where you find <!-- BEGIN RECIP LINKS --> and <!-- BEGIN REGULAR LINKS -->, and leave the category type alone so that your subcategories will continue showing.

I see nothing at all wrong with that manual entry, and I'm just repeating what the manual says here, so I don't see anything to rewrite. If there are spots in the manual that are outdated, someone needs to point them out.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Location: England

Total Topics: 391
Total Comments: 1303
Posted Sep 11, 2005 - 6:00 AM:

grin OK! A light bulb has suddenly come on! (I know I hear you saying about time!) Thanks for saying "open your goddamn eyes" in such a polite way <G>

Trouble is, I'm sure I'll be back <G>
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