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Add To List
admin favorites going to category

Comments on Add To List


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Dec 24, 2004

Total Topics: 2
Total Comments: 8
Posted Feb 02, 2005 - 8:23 PM:

Bought & upload the WSN Links 3.14. Everything is running fine except when I (as Admin) save a link to my list/favorites. Unlike your demo that shows

Demo Links Directory > test's Link Collection

Mine says Links Directory > First Category

It saves to my favorites but also adds the links to the first category.

Also I notice your demo has the Report Link and mine doesn't.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Dec 24, 2004

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Posted Feb 04, 2005 - 9:07 AM:

Nevermind it was something funky with my upgrade from basic. I did a new install and it seems to work great.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Dec 24, 2004

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Posted Feb 04, 2005 - 10:33 AM:

Nope forget that.shocked Its still not working

I installed the links directory and it worked fine. I found out the problem is when I use the Member system integration with the Invision board. When I click that on it saves all my favorites to Links Directory > Category > Subcategory instead of Directory > Danica's Link Collection.

I also have WSN Knowledge Base installed and its working fine with Invision board. Any ideas what the problem with Links could be?

I would post this in the right area but when I try to login with the username that I bought the links program with it says something about not being validated.raised eyebrow

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Feb 04, 2005 - 3:36 PM:

Ah, I see. This is the same issue I ran into with integration a while back. The id number of your saved topics collection (which is treated like a category) is a field in the members table. It thus works fine if you integrate with one member system -- but if you integrate both Links and KB into the same (Invision) member system, you've got two different sets of saved items trying to use one field in the members table. This results in one of them not working.

The way to work around that is to create a new field (using phpmyadmin) in your invision members table and modify one of the integration files (but not the other) to use it. You could add a field named linksalbumid and then edit your WSN Links /integration/invision.php file to add a line
$newalumbid = 'linksalbumid';
right below
$newip = 'ip_address';

It should then work.

when I try to login with the username that I bought the links program with it says something about not being validated

That's what the big large font message telling you how to set your customer status was for, but I manually changed your usergroup anyway.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Dec 24, 2004

Total Topics: 2
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Posted Feb 05, 2005 - 8:32 AM:

Added the new field via phpmyadmin. Added the line $newalumbid = 'linksalbumid'; below $newip = 'ip_address'; to the invision.php file for the Links only. Went to the admin, did the intgrate and it still isn't working.sad Admin goes to category and Members get this when they go to their album.....

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/classes/database.php on line 82

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/classes/database.php on line 82

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/classes/database.php on line 82

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/classes/database.php on line 82

sad thanks

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Feb 05, 2005 - 9:46 AM:

Did you set the field to have a default of 0? Post the debug output.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Dec 24, 2004

Total Topics: 2
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Posted Feb 05, 2005 - 12:20 PM:

Load time so far: 0.14 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1;

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/classes/database.php:244) in /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/prestart.php on line 115

Load time so far: 0.15 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT name,value FROM wsnlinks_switches WHERE id>0 ;

Number of rows is 23 for Resource id #31

Load time so far: 0.15 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder FROM wsnlinks_markup WHERE type='wsncode' ORDER BY sortorder ;

Number of rows is 4 for Resource id #33

Load time so far: 0.16 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT original,replacement,description,id,sortorder FROM wsnlinks_markup WHERE type='smilie' ORDER BY sortorder ;

Number of rows is 14 for Resource id #34

Load time so far: 0.16 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 ;

Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #35

Load time so far: 0.17 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,title,caneditown,caneditall,canvote,isadmin,canpost,canemail,validatecats,validatecomments,validatelinks,validateedits,cansubmitlinks,cansubmitcategories,cansubmitcomments,caneditownlinks,caneditowncategories,caneditowncomments,caneditownprofile,caneditalllinks,caneditallcategories,caneditallcomments,caneditallprofiles,candownloadfiles,canupload,canviewip,limitlinks,canemailmembers,canusehtml,limitlinksdaily,canalias,cancopy,candeleteown,candeleteall,candofulledit,candeletecategories,candeletecomments,candeleteowncategories,candeleteowncomments,candeletemembers,candeleteownmembers,canaliascategories,canviewpages,caneditvotes,numaliases,canviewvotes,canhideownlinks,canhideowncategories,canhideowncomments,canhidealllinks,canhideallcategories,canhideallcomments,canratecomments,bytespermem FROM wsnlinks_membergroups WHERE id>0 ;

Load time so far: 0.17 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,name,mgroup,password,email,joined,ip_address,avatar,avatar_size,posts,aim_name,icq_number,location,signature,website,yahoo,title,allow_admin_mails,time_offset,interests,hide_email,email_pm,email_full,skin,warn_level,warn_lastwarn,language,msnname,last_post,restrict_post,view_sigs,view_img,view_avs,view_pop,bday_day,bday_month,bday_year,new_msg,msg_from_id,msg_msg_id,msg_total,vdirs,show_popup,misc,last_visit,last_activity,dst_in_use,view_prefs,coppa_user,mod_posts,auto_track,org_perm_id,org_supmod,integ_msg,temp_ban,links,comments,totalhits,totalhitsin,validated,template,lastattempt,allowemail,avatarname,stylesheet,allowuseremail,albumid,failedattempts,totalbytes,funds,notifyoflinks,lastvisit,timezone,rating,pmfolders,notifyofpms,acceptpms,cookieduration,banned,articles,linksalbumid FROM ibf_members WHERE id=2 ;

Load time so far: 0.19 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,subscriber,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,alias,catcols,linkcols,dmozpath,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 ;

Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #43

Load time so far: 0.19 seconds.
Performing query: LOCK TABLES wsnlinks_email WRITE, wsnlinks_links WRITE, wsnlinks_categories WRITE, ibf_members WRITE;

Load time so far: 0.19 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,`to`,subject,message,headers,replacement,mime FROM wsnlinks_email WHERE timesent=0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10;

Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #44

Load time so far: 0.19 seconds.
Performing query: UNLOCK TABLES;

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/classes/database.php:244) in /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/albums.php on line 89

Load time so far: 0.2 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,subscriber,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,alias,catcols,linkcols,dmozpath,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE id=2 ;

Load time so far: 0.2 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE parent= AND validated=1 AND isalbum=1 ;

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/classes/database.php on line 82

Number of rows is for You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND validated=1 AND isalbum=1' at line 1

Load time so far: 0.2 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,subscriber,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,alias,catcols,linkcols,dmozpath,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE parent= AND validated=1 AND isalbum=1 ORDER BY name ASC ;

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND validated=1 AND isalbum=1' at line 1

Load time so far: 0.2 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE catid= AND hide=0 AND validated=1 ;

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND validated=1 AND isalbum=1 ORDER BY name ASC' at line 1

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/classes/database.php on line 82

Number of rows is for You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND hide=0 AND validated=1' at line 1

Load time so far: 0.2 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE catid= AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND type='regular' ;

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND hide=0 AND validated=1' at line 1

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/classes/database.php on line 82

Number of rows is for You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND type='regular'' at line 1

Load time so far: 0.2 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE catid= AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND type='recip' ;

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND type='regular'' at line 1

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/database.php on line 82

Number of rows is for You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND type='recip'' at line 1

Load time so far: 0.21 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE catid= AND hide=0 AND validated=1 ;

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND type='recip'' at line 1

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/classes/database.php on line 82

Number of rows is for You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND hide=0 AND validated=1' at line 1

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/classes/database.php:244) in /home/site/public_html/Links Directory/end.php on line 29

Load time so far: 0.21 seconds.
Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_sessions SET starttime='0' WHERE time < 15;

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND hide=0 AND validated=1' at line 1

Load time so far: 0.21 seconds.
Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_sessions SET time='0' WHERE time < 15;

Load time so far: 0.21 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT starttime FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid=2 ;

Number of rows is 1 for Resource id #48

Load time so far: 0.22 seconds.
Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_sessions SET time='1107634351', location='http://www.site.com/Links Directory/albums.php', catid='2', threadid='', areaname='' WHERE memberid=2;

Load time so far: 0.32 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,subscriber,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,alias,catcols,linkcols,dmozpath,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE id=2 ;

If you are not the administrator of this site, please report this page to the administrator. If you are the administrator, please pay careful attention: You have a parse error in your template templates/default/albums.tpl (or perhaps in your header or footer) which you need to repair before this page can be displayed correctly. The error is picked up on by php at line 39 of the output.
This is what the problematic area of the template looks like during parsing:
Line #34: <center><span class="title">Welcome to WSN Links 3.14</span><br>This text is in your wrapper template. Visit your <a href="admin/index.php?context=templates.php">admin panel</a> to edit it.</center>
Line #35: <br>
Line #36: <div class="main">
Line #37:
Line #38: <?php if (2 == ) { ?>
Line #39: <center><div class="suggest"><a href="suggest.php?action=addlink&catid=&isalbum=1">Add Link</a></div></center>

[Load this template in your template editor]

Note that the line of the output is not necessarily the same line number in your template... just look for a similar looking area. The source of your error is probably not on line 39 itself, but most likely a line or two before it. Check your code carefully for syntax mistakes. If you cannot recognize one, copy and paste this output into a thread on the support forum.
Now outputing the page without any conditional or php sections evaluated:

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
Posted Feb 05, 2005 - 9:55 PM:

Tried it on a site. I didn't get any errors, but it didn't work correctly (it seemed to show me only the most recent link I added to the album, losing all previous ones). I needed to open albums.php and change
$thismember->albumid = $theiralbum;

  $thismember->$newalbumid = $theiralbum;


and with that done it works correctly.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Dec 24, 2004

Total Topics: 2
Total Comments: 8
Posted Feb 06, 2005 - 11:08 AM:

Hi Paul

That still didn't work for me. I believe the sql errors only happened when I clicked to go to favorite lists and there weren't any favorites yet. Admin favorites would add to category & members weren't able to save at all.

I did get it to work though. At least it seems to be working {{fingers crossed}}

The way to work around that is to create a new field (using phpmyadmin) in your invision members table and modify one of the integration files (but not the other) to use it. You could add a field named linksalbumid and then edit your WSN Links /integration/invision.php file to add a line

$newalumbid = 'linksalbumid';
right below
$newip = 'ip_address';

Followed the above directions and then I replaced every single albumid with the new named field linksalbumid. (in the albums.php file)

I checked as Admin & member smiling face seems to be working fine.

Thanks for all your help.
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