You wouldn't get any <tr> inserted in a toplist unless you specifically set a number of columns to ask for it. Hence the lack of any such <tr>s in any of the toplists in the default templates.
Also, I know you are gonna think I am anal, but I am trying to get a valid XHTML happening here, which is why I need to know where to adjust certain elements that are placed into the HTML pages via the software. Such as a <br> for example, when displaying { CATHASNEW } . For example, all references like that, I have to change to < br / >.
Please read the toplists manual entry and the text in the toplist generator template. I have no idea where you're getting these odd and arbitrary conditions from.
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Comments on < tr > in < ! -- BEGIN REGULAR -- >
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Quick, but annoying question.
The template for displaying links says:
< ! -- BEGIN REGULAR -- >
and the ending of the regulars, etc.
BUT, when it actually displays, it adds a TR in front:
< tr >< ! -- BEGIN REGULAR -- >
Why? How can I stop that?
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If you don't want to use columns and rows, set your number of columns per row to 0.
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yep. that did it.
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Hey Paul,
Where can I do the same for the toplists?? The TRs and such appear and mess up the xhtml.
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You wouldn't get any <tr> inserted in a toplist unless you specifically set a number of columns to ask for it. Hence the lack of any such <tr>s in any of the toplists in the default templates.
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Hey Paul,
Again, you are correct. The reason why I have to ask these easy questions, is because I can't find any documentation on them.
How would you format a condition in a toplist, if i don't want any links from a certain category to be included? condition="<{CATID} is not 5>" OR ?
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Also, I know you are gonna think I am anal, but I am trying to get a valid XHTML happening here, which is why I need to know where to adjust certain elements that are placed into the HTML pages via the software. Such as a <br> for example, when displaying { CATHASNEW } . For example, all references like that, I have to change to < br / >.
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Hey Paul,
Never mind. Just began a mass search in the php files for these <br> and such things. Hopefully I will find all of them.
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Please read the toplists manual entry and the text in the toplist generator template. I have no idea where you're getting these odd and arbitrary conditions from.