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301 Redirects

Comments on 301 Redirects


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jan 06, 2009

Total Topics: 4
Total Comments: 18
Posted Jan 12, 2009 - 5:06 AM:


I'm trying to add some 301 redirects to the .htaccess file but when I upload I get a 500 server error. As far as I can tell my re-directs are correct:

redirect 301 /menswear.htm www.anythingforhire.co.uk/c...ccessories/menswear[/CODE]

any ideas or ways around this?

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jan 06, 2009

Total Topics: 4
Total Comments: 18
Posted Jan 12, 2009 - 8:26 AM:

Never mind... fixed

I spent ages looking at my .htacess file trying to figure out where I went wrong, in the end I gave up. later whilst looking at the admin > settings > seo i saw the 'Other .htaccess content' box...

all works now, looking at the newly generated file i guess it was upset over a line break. Now i have a headache sad
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