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2 Questions
how to change currency

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Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Sep 25, 2003
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Posted Jan 19, 2007 - 10:51 PM:

I have my paypal account set up using canadian dollars, how do I change the currency in wsnlinks? I see US dollars in the sponsor.tpl, is it as simple as changing US to CDN only in this one template, or is the a switch or setting in the admin panel that I need to change.

Also I would like to have the user redirected to a different if they select the featured listing, than if they select a reciprocal listing, eg: a user selecting a featuring listing would see the paypal payment page, but a user selecting a reciprocal listing would see "Thank You, your submission will be reviewed, if accepted it will be added to the directory.

I don't like the "I would like to sponsor this listing because if a user selects reciprocal listing there is no need to sponsor the listing!

Please help I am really stuck on this one.

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Posted Jan 20, 2007 - 6:42 PM:

Just change it in the template -- I'm not positive how paypal abbreviates each currency so you may want to generate a new button.

As for redirecting based on link type, I've made a change that should handle it in 4.0.12.

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Posted Jan 21, 2007 - 10:44 AM:

Thank You Paul,
I will apply the update.

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Posted Jan 21, 2007 - 3:21 PM:

Hello Paul,

I have upated to version 4.0.12, and I also replaced suggestlink.tpl but I am still having trouble, I would like to change

<select name="type">{TYPEOPTIONS}</select></td>

to this:

<select name="type"><option value="regular" selected>featured</option><option value="recip" selected>reciprocal</option></select>

**NOTE the "featured" option has a value of "regular"

I would also like to replace this:

<input type="checkbox" name="sponsorthis" value="1" checked>


<input type="hidden" name="sponsorthis" value="1">

I think this would work fine if it were not for the reciprocal link option. Is there anyway I can redirect users to a different page if the reciprocal option is checked?

I don't want to give up again, I tried to get this setup in 2003, and gave up and am only now trying to get this directory running again.


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Posted Jan 21, 2007 - 11:32 PM:

larryjam wrote:
I would like to change <select name="type">{TYPEOPTIONS}</select></td>

to this: <select name="type"><option value="regular" selected>featured</option><option value="recip" selected>reciprocal</option></select>
**NOTE the "featured" option has a value of "regular"

In Admin Under Settings > Links just change the Display Names to Featured,Reciprocal

larryjam wrote:

I would also like to replace this:

<input type="checkbox" name="sponsorthis" value="1" checked>

<input type="hidden" name="sponsorthis" value="1">

I think this would work fine if it were not for the reciprocal link option. Is there anyway I can redirect users to a different page if the reciprocal option is checked?

Just remove the sponsorthis from your template (or comment it out). Then in admin under Settings > Sponsorship make your sponsor link type: regular

The suggest link form will then go to your payment page whenever Featured is selected or back to the directory when reciprocated is selected.


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Posted Jan 22, 2007 - 5:02 PM:

I would also like to replace this:

<input type="checkbox" name="sponsorthis" value="1" checked>


<input type="hidden" name="sponsorthis" value="1">

From your first post I think you really don't want to do that part, since you don't want everything sponsored. In 4.0.12 it should automatically redirect to the sponsor page whenever the sponsor type is selected and you're not an admin.

Usergroup: Customer
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Posted Jan 22, 2007 - 7:07 PM:

IT WORKS!!!nod

Thank you Babrees, and thank you Paul. I cannot tell you how happay I am. Thank You.

Just in case someone else might be having the same problem. This is how I have suggestlink set.

<select name="type">
<option value="featured" selected>Featured</option>
<option value="recip">Reciprocal - FREE</option>

and I deleted this:

<td class="labelscolumn" colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="sponsorthis" value="1" {LINKCHECKED[sponsorthis]}> I would like to sponsor this link</td>

Thanks again, I am now off to play in the "SandBox" smiling face

Wish Me Luck
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