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3 feature suggestions

Comments on 3 feature suggestions


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Oct 30, 2004

Total Topics: 18
Total Comments: 47
Posted Aug 31, 2005 - 11:24 AM:

The 3.24 is great I just have a few possible suggestions.

1. Using the meta button to get the discriptions etc from other sites automatically.
A) If you just make a text box field called keywords it gets the keywords from that site too.
B) I could have sworn this worked before maybe but Category NAME & Site NAME looks like the same language field. I'm using the multilingual edition. If you hit the meta button it does not get the title of the site which is at the most the most common thing a site would have. I know many sites use a longer title than we want but at least we can manually cut it.
Could you differientiate between Site Title & Category name on the next release? With just "NAME" my users think it's a username not their site title (a few)

2. Could we get an option to reject but not send an email? Or just an option to not send an email but accept or reject?

3. Could we get an option to not have the "this software was bought under which email account" show up an an option to mail users. If we us developers market this to customers for you this would limit the chance of them sending emails with the wrong address. After the first site we use the software I assume most of us just want to use the site support email...

Anyway we love the new features & your changing of the sponsorship system.

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Sep 01, 2005 - 10:23 PM:

A) already exists, doesn't it? It's supposed to work with keywords.
B) I think you're just talking about the bug at the top of the bug reports form which will be fixed momentarily. I don't see how category names are involved with anything though.

2. Just delete to do that. I may add an easy selector option for quick deleting sometime. For acceptance I don't see much application at the individual site level, only as the email preference where it is.

3. Erm, where does the customer login email ever show? Any email functions use the account email setting. Many also show your own profile email as an option, along with anything else you put in the field under email settings for extra emails. None even know of the existence of the customer login email address as far as I can see.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Oct 30, 2004

Total Topics: 18
Total Comments: 47
Posted Sep 02, 2005 - 3:26 PM:

Usually I validate site from the Admin.
From the Admin if you reject a site I can't see an option to just delete.
Also this is the area that shows a choice of the email address you bought the software from or the entered support email.

I'm using the multilingual templates & if I change "Name" for where it says "Name for suggest new site also "Name" for category suggestions changes too. They are using the same language code.

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
Posted Sep 03, 2005 - 5:01 AM:

There's an 'edit' option which offers the opportunity to delete. As said, may add a direct delete option later.

Also this is the area that shows a choice of the email address you bought the software from or the entered support email.

Once again, no, there is not and never has been any use of the purchase address value as an email address anywhere. That setting is ignored. Pleaseobserve this yourself by following these instructions: Go to admin->settings->system and type 'x' as your address you bought the software from. Then click 'validation'. You will note that 'x' does not appear as a validation email option. I just did this myself.

if I change "Name" for where it says "Name for suggest new site also "Name" for category suggestions changes too.

Various template spots that are supposed to say 'Name' use the same language variable, yes, to reduce the number of variables you need to translate. If you want to differentiate such a spot, add a new variable and customize your templates.
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