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Extremely slow to load pages and use 100% CPU

Title Extremely slow to load pages and use 100% CPU
Description Extremely slow to load pages and use 100% CPU
Message Text

Hello Paul

In recent weeks, I have a problem with this script.
1 - This problem is extremely slow to load pages and use 100% CPU of my hosting.
2 - In addition, when your updates, many files are not copied correctly, there are only a few hundred lines then they should make a few thousand.

The cache script was regenerated and nothing changes the problem.

For one problem, would it not download.php file used to display pictures of categories?
A simple display would it not less greedy because each page there are 40 pictures to display.
And then another portion of the script in a loop.

Here is the message received from my host:

CPU resources were limited for your site

Your site might hit resource limits soon

You had 10 entry processes (number of simultaneously running php and cgi scripts, as well as cron jobs and shell sessions) out of 10 max entry processes allowed

You had 999 I/O usage out of 1024 max I/O usage allowed

And this is what gives me the CPU usage of my hosting, this for 6 pages displayed with this script:

Current Usage
Description Usage Limit Fault
CPU Usage 100% 100% -
I/O usage 0 1024 -
Entry Processes 6 10 0
Physical Memory Usage 221.16M 1.00G 0
Virtual Memory Usage 191.29M 1.00G 0

Can you look at these problems in advance thank you.

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Submission Date Sep 26, 2013 - 1:11 AM