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Search in Mexico

Title Search in Mexico
Description How to expand search boxes to find matches in foreign country.
Message Text First of all, I see the value and goodness of your script. Very impressive. I sincerely hope to become a customer - again. I bought your links script in 2007. I may have missed the answer and apologize if I cause you extra work. I thought I had read through the FAQ's and comments, but did not see my problem. I am only concerned with Mexico. Do not need USA states. Added states to dropdown list, but this seems to be just cosmetic. I want the seach optoins to reflect a dropdown of categories (hotels, rv parks etc.) within X miles of (dropdown list of Mexican towns). Can't get the first (which should be easy to do) to work. The second no doubt requires the Google map and 2 subcategories checked (They are) AND geocodezip checked (It is). Secondly, I am having difficulty geo-locating hotels in Mexico on Google maps. In three cases, used addresses which the hotels use on their sites which show in Google maps. Only one shows up. Oh, one last question. I saw that there was a way to make the Google map show all the listings in a category and a collection of code to add. But the post (in your Knowledgbase #453) did not say where to put it. Thanks, Peter.
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Ownership MexicomikeReal
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Submission Date Jul 17, 2011 - 2:06 PM