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Google Map problems

Title Google Map problems
Description The Google Map does not display in sub-categories.
Message Text I would like to use the Google Maps feature. I turned on the switches related to Google Maps, and now the Google maps display and show listing locations as they should in the top level categories. See www.irrigationtutorials.com.../wsnlinks/online-supplier/ for an example. So far so good. But now I am stumped. In the subcategories the Google Maps do not display. See example here: www.irrigationtutorials.com...or-contractors/california/ In the Admin Panel I have Switches > Links > "Google Map" and "Category Google map" items are both checked and settings submitted. I've spend 3 days working on this looking for something I am doing wrong. I know one problem is entering the Google API key, but I can't seem to figure out a solution. I have NOT been able to add a Google API key to WSN Links. I can't find anyplace to enter the API. The instructions say that with Google Map switch on, a box should display at Settings -> System for entering the API code. However I can't find that box anyplace. I have looked in almost all the various settings and switches listed in the left column of the administration pages. Any suggestions for me on this? Is there a configuration file someplace I can manually hack the API key into? Jess Stryker
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Submission Date Jun 19, 2011 - 4:22 PM