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How easy is it to integrate WSNLinks

Title How easy is it to integrate WSNLinks
Description With multiple other 3rd party scripts
Message Text 1. The existing wordpress (WP) integration (I am yet to get it to work though) - what exactly does it integrate? is it only the userbase registration and login?</p> 1a. Does it also integrate the tagging feature or will it remain separate for WP and WSNLinks? If it does integrate tags - how easy or difficult is it to integrate - I mean just some kind of approximate effort? 1b. Same question as 1a but for user profiles. 2. How easy is it to integrate other 3rd party scripts like miniBB (minibb.com) and Pligg (pligg.com) into WSNLInks? 2a. I would like to integrate private messaging, tagging, user profiles, users online and similar common features. Any idea on what would be the approximate effort. Note 1: miniBB can integrate with WP (probably only userbase integration). Note 2: all the 3rd party scripts may be installed a separate domain or sub-domain and all of the mentioned scripts are built with PHP + MySQL Thanks much
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Submission Date Dec 30, 2010 - 2:05 AM