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RSS Feed Query

Title RSS Feed Query
Message Text I note the rss feed output as per www.betting-links.co.uk/rssfeed.php That one I ammended to point to the detail page as opposed to the external url. That feed is ok for a viewer who wants to read it via a feed reader. What I wanted to do however was suck feed data into an external blog site. eg picture the external blog creating a new post with a link back to the detail page. ( my reasoning.. helps spidering, helps seo, helps viewers find me via other sites, adds extra auto contnet on other sites of mine ) When I tried this however the blog posts contain the item title as post title and the description as post body ...but not any link back. My train of thought was to A - create an ammended copy of that rssfeed.php file for my private use & B - create a copy of the rss template file ( and have the ammended rssfeed.php copy reference it ) I would then want the description content item to have appended to it an extra line or two with something like ... For More Info Click here ==> xxxxxx where xxxxxx will be the listing title hyperlinked to the detail page Any bright ideas on how to actually do this however? ie append this extra data to what appears in the decription element of the feed.
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Submission Date Oct 04, 2010 - 5:23 AM