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Calendar Questions (or requests)

Title Calendar Questions (or requests)
Description Is this possible?
Message Text email me if you want to view the site directly. I don't want the url search indexed on google. ISSUE 1 - SOLVED [I SCANNED EVENT.PHP AND FOUND action=findevent&id= Maybe add this to the manual?] --- Note, the link only works ONCE. Once you edit an event, the date reverts to the first of the month, no matter what you try to set it as. Editing the event does not change the end date which always seems to be the first of the month. This causes the link calendar.php?action=findevent&id=# to load the main calendar, not the event. Also, when you click on the first of the month, the event isn't listed. How do I link directly to the event id? I've tried calendar.php?id=6, no luck and nothing in the manual to suggest it's possible. Reason: Added an event field that lists the owner's listings so that I can link their events to their listing. When I do link to the listing trying to pull up the day:
Here's my toplist on the details page that I'm using:
<CONFIG>calendar[,]id[,]5[,]descending[,]ownerid={LINKOWNERID} and forlisting={LINKID} [,][,]0[,]0[,]0[,]0[,][,]0[,]0[,][,]0[,][,][,]</CONFIG>
<div style="border-bottom:1px dotted #ccc;width:95%;margin-bottom:10px;">
<b>Event:</b> {EVENTTITLE} - <a href="calendar.php?id={EVENTID}&dayID={EVENTDAYID}&monthID={EVENTMONTHID}&yearID={EVENTYEARID}">Calendar Link</a><br>
<b>Description:</b> {EVENTDESCRIPTION}
<!-- END TOPLIST -->
It's working great as in when ever a user creates a calendar and links it to one of their listings, it appears on the details page....but I can't link to it to send them to either that day or the individual event id. Can this be done? How hard would that be to do?
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE 2 A user can submit a time in the format start time 2:00 PM and end time 3:00 PM but when you try to edit the event, the start and end time fields are replaced with 00:00:00 and 15:00:00. Can they be replaced with exactly what the user typed in there? This messes up the event if they don't see the change and press submit. Numerous editing attempts result in the wrong times being listed...in military time as mentioned 00:00:00 and 15:00:00 .
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Ownership sparkalina
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Submission Date Mar 11, 2010 - 8:08 PM