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admin template issue

Title admin template issue
Message Text I had a really wierd thing happen to me tonight. I was looking to increase my crawl delay thinking it's going to be defaulted at 20 like other topics have stated. I have no idea why but I was looking for it in the .htaccess file. Obviously I didnt find it, so I added it myself...in the "extra htaccess content" box. Poof! Internal Server 500 error, the site is now inaccessible. I tried to go back to remove what I had just done after realizing it and the "extra htaccess content" section is gone from the SEO page. I logged in with WinSCP and noticed the htaccess file doesnt even exist anymore. I created a blank one and got the site back up, then copied over the contents from a back up htaccess file. After that I went back in to admin>settings>seo and still no extra htaccess content section. I've tried clearing cache on the install and locally and I cannot get it back. What the heck would have caused this and how do I get that section back in the admin templates?
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Submission Date Jan 19, 2010 - 11:44 PM