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5.1 series - clone testing

Title 5.1 series - clone testing
Message Text I'm getting ready to do the jump to the 5.1 series, couple questions as I test things here. I never did get the clone tool to work properly. Numerous attempts, It initiated and appeared to continously time out. After each attempt, I'd have a clone directory created with a few wsn directories inside but no files. Then it appeared to start over and recreated another clone directory inside the existing clone directory and begin the process again. In the end I would end up with 7 or 8 instances of the clone directory and it's contents all inside each other. I gave up on that and created my own clone. My question is assuming the clone tool would have worked properly, what does it do with the database? Does it create a clone database?....Or are there no database changes in the 5.1 series? I dont want to initiate the jump to 5.1 on my clone until I know it's not going to make database changes I cant revert back to.
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Submission Date Sep 19, 2009 - 9:57 AM