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SEO Error Manual

Title SEO Error Manual
Description .htaccess error
Message Text I think I'm doing something wrong or something isn't configured correctly. In the Admin->SEO I change the apache mod_rewrite to yes. When I do I get the following error. The .htaccess file did not work! After implimenting, an attempt to read servertest.php met with an error. URL rewriting is being turned off to keep the site working. Please contact support with a copy of your htaccess.txt. However when I test this script myself it comes back fine. MySQL version 5.0.81-community - pass Output buffering - pass PHP version 5. 2.9 - pass Remote URL functions - pass Apache mode with FTP extension - pass Linux - pass GD bundled (2.0.34 compatible) - pass Maximum Execution Time (1800 seconds) - pass Allowed Memory (256M) - pass Congratulations, this server meets all the recommendations for running WSN Links. Is it possible to put back in the ability to do this manually. I noticed it's not there with the upgraded version. I can get it to work going into the db and changing it. Then renaming the htaccess.txt file. But it gets wiped anytime I update in the admin area. I'm using the default htaccess which I've attached. Any ideas?
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Submission Date Sep 18, 2009 - 10:13 PM