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Remodeling "displaylinks.tpl"

Title Remodeling "displaylinks.tpl"
Description Changing the layout inside categories
Message Text I'm in need of some advice while I remodeling my display links pages. I added a link type called "Sponsor", and then I created an image to display next to the link title, like the current star which is used for "recips". Then I added a line to the "linkbit.tpl" to render it on the display links page for sponsored links. I've got the default sort order set to display "Sponsors" first, then "Recips", and then "Standard". What I would like to do now is strip everything off the the "Standard" links except for the link title, and the link description, and they will be displayed last, preferable in a list fashion. I'm thinking this might encourage people to submit a Reciprocal or Sponsoring link, since they will have much nicer and detailed listings. But I'm not sure of the best way to go about it. Create a whole new linkbit file, rename it and call it from the standard links? Or...make the adjustments in the current linkbit.tpl to do it.
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Submission Date Sep 13, 2009 - 2:37 PM