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How to regenrate 138K categories

Title How to regenrate 138K categories
Description Regenerating issues with 138K categories
Message Text


After many tests, I have inserted over 138,000 categories to the wsnlinks_categories table, after acertaining that they contain the exact same information as if they were created via the WSN user interface.

Still, the categories require regeneration, mainly in order to update counters, and most importantly - the .htaccess file.

However, the regeneration process takes forever, and will most likely end with internet connecativity errors or the like. Just as an example, it takes ten full minutes to have this status line presented: Updating next batch of categories starting at 47 (out of 138192)...

Are there any shortcuts to this agonizing process, such as using only the counters and routing table scripts? We are planning to have half a million categories by the end of this year.

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Submission Date Jul 28, 2009 - 8:32 AM