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Server move screw-up

Title Server move screw-up
Message Text so, I guess I did it again sad I made backups of the files and database, uploaded everything to the new server and now I get the following error message before the regular output (ignore the messy layout): -------------------------------- An error occoured at on 2009-07-15 03:31:02. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'Invalid argument supplied for foreach()' in /home/linkloun/public_html/links/classes/settings.php on line 789. Step 1 of backtrace: File: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/start.php Line: 168 Function: numstyles Arguments: Class: settings Step 2 of backtrace: File: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/index.php Line: 2 Function: require Arguments: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/start.php An error occoured at on 2009-07-15 03:31:02. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'opendir(/home/linkloun/links/templates) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory' in /home/linkloun/public_html/links/includes/filefunctions.php on line 602. Step 1 of backtrace: File: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/includes/filefunctions.php Line: 602 Function: opendir Arguments: /home/linkloun/links/templates Step 2 of backtrace: File: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/classes/settings.php Line: 812 Function: getsubdirectories Arguments: /home/linkloun/links/templates/ Step 3 of backtrace: File: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/start.php Line: 169 Function: numtemplates Arguments: Class: settings Step 4 of backtrace: File: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/index.php Line: 2 Function: require Arguments: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/start.php An error occoured at on 2009-07-15 03:31:02. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource' in /home/linkloun/public_html/links/includes/filefunctions.php on line 619. Step 1 of backtrace: File: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/includes/filefunctions.php Line: 619 Function: closedir Arguments: Step 2 of backtrace: File: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/classes/settings.php Line: 812 Function: getsubdirectories Arguments: /home/linkloun/links/templates/ Step 3 of backtrace: File: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/start.php Line: 169 Function: numtemplates Arguments: Class: settings Step 4 of backtrace: File: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/index.php Line: 2 Function: require Arguments: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/start.php An error occoured at on 2009-07-15 03:31:02. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'Invalid argument supplied for foreach()' in /home/linkloun/public_html/links/classes/settings.php on line 813. Step 1 of backtrace: File: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/start.php Line: 169 Function: numtemplates Arguments: Class: settings Step 2 of backtrace: File: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/index.php Line: 2 Function: require Arguments: /home/linkloun/public_html/links/ start.php ------------------------ Maybe some of the files got screwed up, but since I've been using the autoupgrade, I don't have the original files for version 5.0.52 to just overwrite what I have. And I can't find them in the download section either... Thanks for your help (again)! ETA: just a thought - could I just upload the files of the latest version and run the upgrade? That should work, right???
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Submission Date Jul 14, 2009 - 10:38 PM