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Link sorting tools: PR & Outbound links

Title Link sorting tools: PR & Outbound links
Description Link sorting by Reciprocating PR & Outbound links
Message Text

While still overwhelmed by the wealth of features hidden in WSN Links, I wish to have a few more tools that are used in determining the sorting order of links in a category: (1) Maintaining Google PageRank for the page where the reciprocating link on the partner site is published; (2) Mainaining number of outbound links on that page. Dividing the first argument by the latter gives an important indication of the PR credit that the partner site shade upon my site.

Also, I looked a little at your script and didn't find any reference to whether or not the partner site uses NOFOLLOW attribute in their link to my site.

Thank you.

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Submission Date Jun 24, 2009 - 6:37 AM