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auto-updating 5.0.47

Title auto-updating 5.0.47
Message Text An update, 5.0.47, is available. It was released on May 16, 2009. You can have everything brought up to date by clicking the button below. Skip auto-updating of customized templates? Changes since your current version: 5.0.47: - clone utility - fixed error on rejecting category - changed autoupgrade to ensure servertest.php remains on failed upgrade - fixed to display "invalid login" message when appropriate on autoupgrade - fixed javascript export to handle new toplist separator sequence - added ffmpeg test to servertest.php - tweak to set absolute path for ffmpeg - fixed obscure sitemap conditionals issue - fixed wsn directory member listing totals The archive could not be downloaded from the WSN server. It's possible the WSN server is down at the moment. WSN Directory 5.0.46 is there a list of the files that have been changed aswell, rather than just overwrite all the php files etc, because i have customised a lot of it
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Submission Date May 18, 2009 - 12:44 PM