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autosetup + php

Title autosetup + php
Description help for beginners
Message Text Just thought I'd mention this since I just tried doing a clean install using the autosetup.php and had problems. And since there was no mention of checking my php.ini in the manual I'm figuring if I had a problem then others may as well. Followed the very simple instructions in the members area for a new install, but my autosetup.php kept timing out. Searched the kb & forum for possible reasons and couldn't find any. Then it hit me to check my php.ini file. The one that comes with my hosting setup is missing some entries that I guess are needeed for autosetup to work. Pulled a copy of php.ini from another server that has wsn installed and added any missing lines. Following is what I added - memory_limit = 150M post_max_size = 150M file_uploads = On upload_max_filesize = 150M Once they were added autosetup loaded in seconds. I'm not sure what the actual values most people would use are, but it worked for me so I figured I'd share with others.
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Submission Date May 16, 2009 - 1:10 PM