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I don't know why this is starting all of a sudden however the links to images in the fckattachments folder are not working correctly.
I did not make any changes whatsoever so there is nothing that I can think of that would have caused this.
Add an article
Click in wysiwyg to add an image
Go through the image folder to retrieve the image
Image is placed into the wysiwyg text box
Submit article
View page and image does not appear
Check source code and image link is there, however there is now a space in the image link, which explains why it does not appear in the final article. See below - there should not be a space in Harriett:
img src="/fckattachments/image/blue_river_cemetery/Conrad_H ar riett_Mary.jpg"
I have tried to edit the picture and reinsert it and it will again contain a broken link and the extra space may or may not be in the same location in the link.
Images were being added in this category:
Oddly this just started this morning. Articles I placed over the past few days were properly showing the images and when I started up again this morning it wasn't working. Actually, sometimes it would work, other times not. It seems to be very strange and I have no idea how it could be happening. This is also happening to other articles I placed over the weekend,however it is sporadic sometime it will appear, other times not, so there seems to be no rhyme or reason for it.
Ideas? Help? I still have over 50 articles with images to get on the site and then she is sending me a few hundred more.
I could put them in the attachments box, however since these are tombstone photos many of them apply to two or more individuals (articles) and I was hoping to save server space by linking to them in the fckeditor. |