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Toplist no longer works on details page

Title Toplist no longer works on details page
Message Text I have a toplist in my wrapper and it has always worked well on all my sites. <!-- BEGIN TOPLIST --> <CONFIG>links,rand(),1,descending,longbanner !='',,,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0</CONFIG> <a href="link.php?id={LINKID}" {EXTERNALLINKS}>{LINKLONGBANNER}</a>&# 60;br > <!-- END TOPLIST --> I have just noticed that this no longer displays on the details page. In checking, it appears that it has ignored longbanner not null, and is in fact trying to display that field for the link it is on. This isn't too bad (although not what I want) when that link had a longbanner, but when it doesn't there is of course nothing displayed. I am not sure when this stopped working but, going through my sites, definitely from 5.0.41
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Submission Date Apr 20, 2009 - 4:17 AM