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Using email activation for members

Title Using email activation for members
Message Text I'm trying to figure out if this is an issue. I don't think it is, but here are my comments. I've set member settings for accounts to email activation. I registered a test member and received two emails at the same time. The first of course being the activation link. But I did not click the validation link and the email with my login and password came anyway. Is that normal behavior? It would seem more user friendly to me that that the email showing the user their username and password would not be sent until AFTER they click the activation link. As it stands now it's slightly confusing to users (from what I've experienced so far). they're like hey I can't get in, and then they get frustrated. *and no, they don't read the warning messages they keep seeing when they try to log in...*smacks forehead* If this is a hack how much would it cost to do so? (Send the first activation email, they click it and THEN get their welcome email.) If you happen to drop by my settings and they say "direct" registration, it's because I'm testing something out. I really want to keep email verification to prevent spam entries but not if the current behavior is normal.
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Ownership sparkalina
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Submission Date Apr 01, 2009 - 11:00 PM