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access without WWW

Title access without WWW
Description Subdirectoy failure
Message Text I think something in my htaccess file, since the last upgrade, is killing access to one of my subdirectories when a user attempts to enter without having WWW in the url. It used to work. Example url is http://finsandfur.net/forums It throws an error Second attempt will go right through The only way me or my users can access this directory is with the WWW in place; http://www.finsandfur.net/forums All other subdirectories work with or without the WWW as they should. Example http://finsandfur.net/Top100 I've tried conditions to the htaccess file to over come this but all to no avail. Any ideas, Paul or anyone, what would cause this? This is what my current .htaccess contains; Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^(.+[^/])$ $1/ [R] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.[a-z-]+.[a-z]{2,6} [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ([a-z-]+.[a-z]{2,6})$ [NC] RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://%1/$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(stats/|missing.html|failed_auth.html|error/).* [NC] RewriteRule .* - [L] RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} 200 RewriteRule .* - [L] RewriteRule ^Top100$ Top100/index.php RewriteRule ^Top100/$ Top100/index.php RewriteRule ^forums$ forums/index.php RewriteRule ^forums/$ forums/index.php RewriteRule ^store$ store/index.php RewriteRule ^store/$ store/index.php RewriteRule ^admin/?$ admin/index.php RewriteRule ^members/([0-9]+).html?$ memberlist.php?rewritten=1&page=$1 RewriteRule ^members/([-_/+A-Za-z0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-trader.html?$ trader.php?rewritten=1&id=$2 RewriteRule ^members/([-_/+A-Za-z0-9]+)-([0-9]+).html?$ memberlist.php?rewritten=1&action=profile&id=$2 RewriteRule ^members/?$ memberlist.php?rewritten=1 RewriteRule ^help/?$ help.php?rewritten=1 RewriteRule ^help/([-_/+A-Za-z0-9]+)/?$ help.php?rewritten=1&action=showcat&name=$1 RewriteRule ^help/([-_/+A-Za-z0-9]+)/([-_/+A-Za-z0-9]+)-([0-9]+).html ?$ help.php?rewritten=1&action=showitem&id=$3 RewriteRule ^tags/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/?$ search.php?rewritten=1&filled=1&action=filter&whichtype=link s&tagscondition=like&tagssearch=|$1| RewriteRule ^thread/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/?$ comments.php?rewritten=1&id=$1&page=$2 RewriteRule ^thread/([0-9]+)/?$ comments.php?rewritten=1&id=$1 RewriteRule ^links/[-_/+A-Za-z0-9]+-([0-9]+).html?$ link.php?rewritten=1&action=detail&id=$1 RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)/?$ index.php?rewritten=1&action=displaycat&catid=$1 RewriteRul e ^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/?$ index.php?rewritten=1&action=displaycat&catid=$1&page=$2 Re writeRule ^([0-9]+)/sp([0-9]+).htm$ index.php?rewritten=1&action=displaycat&catname=$1&subpage=$ 2 RewriteRule ^([-_/+A-Za-z0-9]+)/?$ index.php?rewritten=1&action=displaycat&catname=$1 RewriteR ule ^([-_/+A-Za-z0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/?$ index.php?rewritten=1&action=displaycat&catname=$1&page=$2 order allow,deny deny from deny from deny from deny from deny from allow from all
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Ownership finsandfur
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Submission Date Dec 21, 2008 - 10:04 AM