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Errant space before DOCTYPE

Title Errant space before DOCTYPE
Message Text It appears that a space is being output prior to the DOCTYPE declaration in the default wrapper.tpl file. I've verified that there is no space in the template editor itself, or in the actual template file on the server by inspecting it via FTP afterward. I've tried to look through the code to see where the template file is parsed but as of yet, I've not found it. But it is outputting that errant space somehow. Just in case anyone is wondering why I care, I've changed my DOCTYPE to Strict 1.0 with UTF-8 encoding and the space (I believe!) is causing the character encoding to default back to my server standard of 8859-1. Thanks for any help you can lend. Just as an aside, I've always changed my DOCTYPE/encoding on even old versions (3.x) in which no space was ever output.
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Submission Date Sep 04, 2008 - 3:06 AM