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toplists in textareas

Title toplists in textareas
Message Text Hi Paul, If you put a toplist in the textarea of the static file generation part in the admin panel, it literally changes the domain root folder permission to 666. It does this, because at the end of a toplist, there is a blank row. Here is my toplist:
<!-- BEGIN TOPLIST 47 -->
<CONFIG>links,id,999999,ascending,,,,0,1,0,0,0,1,,1</CONFIG>listazasok/{LINKID}_HUN.html<!-- END TOPLIST 47 -->
As you can see, I already had to eliminate all spaces, so that the output doesn't contain line-breaks. However, at the end of the toplist, there are 2 things which shouldn't really be there: 1. the
<!-- END TOPLIST 47 -->
2. a blank row Any way to get rid of them? Thanks David
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Submission Date Aug 28, 2008 - 9:36 AM (Edited )