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search for multiple values

Title search for multiple values
Description am I missing something here?
Message Text I have a linkfield called LOCATION. Checkboxes are used to give this field multiple values, such as TOP, DOWN, UP, BOTTOM. These are stored in the database as , TOP, UP, and such. Is it possible to search for both values? Something like this?
<form action="search.php?action=filter&filled=1&whichtype=links&condition=or" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="locationcondition" value="like" />
<input type="checkbox" name="locationsearch" value=", TOP" /> TOP
<input type="checkbox" name="locationsearch" value=", UP" /> UP
<input type="checkbox" name="locationsearch" value=", DOWN" /> DOWN
<input type="checkbox" name="locationsearch" value=", BOTTOM" /> BOTTOM
I tried all variations of the condition: and, or, like. I also tried all variations for the 'locationcondition' as well. Nothing. I either get no result, or both results even though I searched only one of them, or only the result for one of them even though I searched for both. The most interesting thing, is that the ALLVARS and the debug info confirm that only the later checkbox's value is actually submitted. So even if I selected both TOP and BOTTOM, only BOTTOM would be searched for. Anybody has an advanced search page that has multiple values for a single field? Thanks David
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Submission Date Jun 30, 2008 - 8:48 AM