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Aquatic Theme Errors

Title Aquatic Theme Errors
Description How to fix Aquatic Theme Errors
Message Text There are a couple of errors on the Aquatic Theme and I thought I'd help out and let everyone know how I fixed them.

1 - On the home page, there is a box that displays the top 5, 10, or 15 new links. This two-tone box works perfectly when only 5 links are displayed but if you change it to 10 or 15, then you only see up to the 5th or 6th link.

Fix: On the main.tpl, line 22, add class="fixtoplinks" to the li. Then in aquatic.css, comment out line 420, the height for mainbox class which lets the lighter box adjust correctly. Also in aquatic.css, add the following class so the links will line up:
background-color: #E4F3F3;
margin-left: 175px;

2 - A link check of the site shows .../wsnlinks/templates/aquatic/style.css as broken on .../wsnlinks/ and .../wsnlinks/sitemap.php.

Fix: On the wrapper.tpl, remove line 10 which is <link rel="stylesheet" href="{TEMPLATESDIR}/style.css" type="text/css" />

3 - On the Member page, the header graphic doesn't line up with the titles of the columns making them very hard to read.

Fix: Replace the columnheader.png file in the templates/images_aquatic directory with a plain white image. I'm sure there are other fixes, but this was the easiest and quickest for me.

In addition and not really errors but I would like to make a suggestion on the theme. Since my site is fish related, the theme worked for me. However, my site is saltwater related so the goldfish in the header had to go. Unfortunately, the theme did not provide any alternatives for that image so I basically covered it up by matching the colors and put my logo up there. I would have absolutely LOVED to have a saltwater version. So, for future theme creations, maybe alternative headers/logos and/or a blank one to be customized by the user. Having those would be a huge sell for the themes!
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Submission Date Jun 19, 2008 - 2:18 PM