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member gets logged out of couple of secs

Title member gets logged out of couple of secs
Message Text We have a member that says she logs in fine, but after a couple of seconds it logs her out again. I presume she means after the continue page she's logged out. I can not reproduce this at all and am now at a loss what to advise her. Last time this happened putting the domain in the system config > cookies > domain fixed the problem, but .papillonclub.co.uk is already there this time. help please! oh, ps - I had told her to clear out all her cookies and history and try again, but no different. [edit] I now have another one that can't log in. This time at http://www.thedogscene.co.uk. This time they say that after inputting user name and password it says they are incorrect. They have requested 3 new passwords but still can't get in. I have asked both of these for their computer set up and what browsers they use to see if there is any similarity.
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Submission Date Feb 18, 2008 - 12:04 AM