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Attachment Image Thumbnail

Title Attachment Image Thumbnail
Description How to modify the inline image display row column
Message Text Hello,. I've done a searh in the forums looked through the switches and admin area for the option to adjust the display of thumbnails with uploaded image attachments. Currently the link will display one thumb on top of another, and I need a way to have those thumbs display next to one another, otherwise my pages will become very long. I think I have found the correct template code for modification, I'm curious if someone here can help me modify this so that the images will come out (as an example) 10 Columns per row, and create a new row once the 10th spot has been filled, so that a link with 20 pics will neatly create 2 rows with 10 columns etc. <IF {LINKFILEFIELD}><br />Attached Files:<br /> <!-- BEGIN LINK ATTACHMENTS --> <a href="{ATTACHDOWNLOADURL}">{ATTACHFILETITLE}</a> ({ATTACHKB} KB, {ATTACHDOWNLOADS} downloads)<br /> <IF {ATTACHISIMAGE}><a href="{ATTACHDOWNLOADURL}"><img src="{ATTACHTHUMBURL}" alt="" /></a><br /></IF> <!-- END LINK ATTACHMENTS --> </IF> Thanks for any help.
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Ownership Rob Dalzell
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Submission Date Dec 20, 2007 - 4:21 AM