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No images showing up after upgrade to 4.

Title No images showing up after upgrade to 4.
Description No images showing up after upgrade to 4.x
Message Text After upgrading from 3.0.31 to 4.1.3 I stared to lose images. I did aregenerate everything, then a repair database and then an optimize database and still only a few images. ThenI did an online upgrade to 4.1.5 and now I have not images. The attachments directory seems to be fine and all the permissions set but even when I upload and image as admin I get a thumbnail that says NO THUMBNAIL and there is also no image. Could of I missed a step when I upgraded to 4.1.3? Has anybody else had this issue or am I just special? Is there a new setting I should be looking at? Any help would be appreciated. I am uploading a sample of what my gallery page now looks like, the 2 that have a missing thumbnail image are the 2 I tried to upload as admin. -Eric
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Submission Date Nov 15, 2007 - 4:00 PM