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when links expire

Title when links expire
Description option to be hard-deleted
Message Text At links settings we have: " When links expire, should they be deleted instead of merely hidden? (Yes/No)" My suggestion is to have radio buttons selection with: " When links expire, they should be: - Hidden - Soft Deleted - Hard Deleted So we have the option of hard delete when links expire. This can be very useful for the classifieds as lot of links will be expiring all the time and we do not want to accumulate amounts of expired links. Edit: For all links that have being soft-deleted automatically or manually, we can have an automatic option to hard-delete the ones that have being soft-deleted more than nn days ago. This option specially useful when selecting that links should be soft-deleted when expired. So we can be presenting to members their links soft-deleted up to nn days ago, over this time they will be hard-deleted automatically.
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Submission Date Nov 02, 2007 - 10:22 PM