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showing help items & categories together

Title showing help items & categories together
Message Text What I'm looking to do is to have the help page show a list of the help items within each of the help categories. Example: - Help Category1 -Help Item1 -Help Item2 - Help Category2 -Help Item1 -Help Item2 Is there a way to do this? When trying to include a second toplist within the first only the code shows on the page for the items. I also tried to change it to - - Help Category1 > Help Item1 - Help Category1 > Help Item2 - Help Category2 > Help Item1 - Help Category2 > Help Item2 hoping the toplist generator would be able to help me do this, following is the code I got from the generator - <!-- BEGIN TOPLIST 5 --> <CONFIG>helpitems,category;subject,100,ascending;ascending,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0</CONFIG> <a href="{HELPCATURL}">{HELPCATNAME}</a> > <a href="{HELPITEMURL}">{HELPITEMSUBJECT}</a><br> <!-- END TOPLIST 5 --> This time I got the items to show correctly, but the categories were listed as {HELPCATNAME} and the URL wouldn't work either. Thanks for your help.
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Submission Date Sep 14, 2007 - 12:13 PM