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123 total queries on front page--Speed

Title 123 total queries on front page--Speed
Description will building html speed things up?
Message Text Now, I have no problem but as things get busy I might need to build the pages. I have a question: is it possible to replicate everything so no functionality is lost when building? I mean as far as navigating, lower case categories, full-name-link-id urls, submiting links, images etc.. The new comments, clicks etc I realize will be updated once the html is built. Granted my script is modified a bit but http takes 10-20% of the cpu when I load wsn (I have tried dozens of times with the top command running so I know it's this.) Vbulletin barely 1-2% The server load does not exist but the homepage takes 1-2 seconds to draw a brand new server: Dual Processor Dual Core Intel Woodcrest 5130 4 Total 2.00 GHz Cores Dual 1333 MHz Front-side Bus (FSB) 4 MB Shared L2 Cache 2 GB 667 MHz FB-DIMM Memory (Fully Buffered) Due to foreign langauge categories I cannot use cache but I have eaccelator turned on. has anyone tried it? This is somewhat slower that I hoped it woudl be, but I love the features so I have to work something out. I know that all those features take a toll...
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Submission Date Aug 17, 2007 - 9:36 PM