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Forcing display order within catagories

Title Forcing display order within catagories
Description Its a shame I cant write script by telepathy!
Message Text I have a number of items I need to do/customize, I would prefer to do them myself, but some of this stuff way is over my head.... I have already searched thru the forum and gotten as far as I can with the info I have found Here is what Im looking to do (Paul, please note...I may be paying you for most/all this smiling face btw...On a little side note, those of you reading this, Paul has done a little paid work on my site, and if your wondering about using his services, I would recommend him, without hesitation. Here we go, Im looking for modifications for the order the links display "within a category", I have created a number of different link types (I got that far) I want the link type order to be (decending) platinum gold silver bronze regular reciprocal if someone clicks into a category I want the links to display all platinum links first then after platinum, the gold links ....ect.... Each level of link would have different formatting ..... example... platinum links would get a graphic saying it was a featured link, bold text ....., a gold link type might have a star graphic, Italic text... hopefully your getting the idea. As each level would have different formatting, I know thats possible, but Im not sure at this point where to edit to get the different link type formats created, do I create a templet for each type? if so where would they go? how do I reference them? Next within EACH of those link types... for example: lets say I have 10 platinum links... I want to be able to set the display order manually in admin for those 10 links (in other words someone payed more for position 1 than position 10).. I have already added a custom field to the link listing called customer ID, so I can use that to sort the display links show within a category, but I need the links displaying in an order set by me, within thier link type This is where the logic arguments get over my head I need it to display a platnum link type first in the catagory listing, in a specific order set by me then the gold links are displayed, in a specific order set by me then the silver....ect there is also another aspect of this that I need to consider, that concerns webmasters that want to submit their site(s) to the index.... I have created a webmaster usergroup, and I want a webmaster to be able to submit his site, or sites to the index, and have the option to choose a different link type for each site submitted... each type would represent a different amount of $$$ with the exception of a reciprocal link, that would be free, I would also prefer to be able to offer a free upgrade to a "regular" link type to help get the site loaded up with links, initially then after i can afford to be a bit picky, and ive got some good traffic going, ad a fee back in to the regular catagory Bottom line with all of this is.. am I trying to do something that can easily (for you Paul...lol) be accomplished with some templet editing, thats simply over my head, or (thought I doubt it) am I asking too much from the script, without a major rewrite of code. my other question is am i trying to reinvent the wheel.... I know what I need to script to do...Im simply not sure if Im going about it in the most efficient way?
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Submission Date Jul 25, 2007 - 7:27 PM