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Upgrade or New Install?

Title Upgrade or New Install?
Description Integration Change/Member DB Blown
Message Text Here's the situation: 1. WSNLinks 3.2.1 w/phpBB integration, in same mySQL database 2. Installed SMF in database, kept phpBB members in database (but emptied the "posts" fields to save space). 3. Played around in WSNLinks with custom integration trying to switch integration to SMF, hosed member file, including my Admin log in. 4. Ran Paul's emergency SQL to restore admin access (very nice, Paul!) 5. I can log in, but my members cannot. The regular "log in" link is to the phpBB log in page, which no longer exists. So, I want to either: A. Upgrade to WSNLinks 4.0.31 and rebuild my member file by using integration for the SMF member database -or- B. Start fresh with a new install of version 4.0.31, integrate with SMF, and figure out how to import all the links from the old version. Which should I do? A, B, or some other method?
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Ownership FrankHagan
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Submission Date Jun 18, 2007 - 11:47 PM