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Detecting nasty stuff

Title Detecting nasty stuff
Description Links are everywhere, but how to assess them.
Message Text G'day, folks smiling face I'm new here, so I'm hoping you'll tolerate my explanation. I found my way here as the result of a Google search. I administer a large number of Yahoogroups, and subscribers are very fond of contributing URLs to the 'Links' section. Is there a 'safe' way of assessing these URL's? I had considered right-clicking on the URL, and 'Save Target As' to yield a .htm or a .html file that I could examine, but what should I look for within the file? Are there tags, etc, that almost certainly promise trouble? I guess there's plenty of scope for 'false positives' here, code that COULD be malicious, but isn't. Any guidance you might be able to offer would be eagerly perused. It's just that I'd rather not have my subscribers jumping up-and-down screeching "Kill Eric! Kill Eric!" after their mouse has walked into a mousetrap. Eric Carwardine, in Perth, Western Australia
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Submission Date Jun 17, 2007 - 10:06 AM