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Need help with an IF statement

Title Need help with an IF statement
Description leave English if no foreign description
Message Text Thanks to WSN flexibility I am thinking and actually did try to change the link description on the category pages as well. I have an extra field to have a translation as well. With: <br><IF {VISITORLANGUAGE} is English>{LINKDESCRIPTION} <OTHERWISE IF {VISITORLANGUAGE} is Italian>{LINKITALIANDESC}</IF> <br></span> it works fine, but I need an IF statement to leave the english one if no italian one is present (all pages are described in english, but not all in Italian) Essentially, the first IF needs to be nullified if no foreign langauge description is available for that listing. thanks... I am almost done smiling face
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Submission Date May 26, 2007 - 11:05 PM