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Maximum sponsored links

Title Maximum sponsored links
Description to display per cat. Inquiry.
Message Text What could be the cause of this difficulty? Suppose we have 5 sponsored links. I undestand that if we limit the number of sponsored links in order to show 3 sponsored links per category, the 2 extra sponsored links that couldn't be shown under <!-- BEGIN SPONSOR LINKS --> should be shown under : <!-- BEGIN REGULAR LINKS --> I have done various trials, but I can't make the 2 extra to appear as a regular links, they do just not appear neither sponsor nor regular. I have: At Settings->Sponsorship : - Separate sponsored links from other types and don't count towards per page total? Yes - Maximum sponsored links of each level to display per category (applies only if above is 'yes'): 3
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Submission Date May 13, 2007 - 2:44 PM