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How to set square image size

Title How to set square image size
Description question on resizing images
Message Text Hi everyone,

Having a problem with image sizes

I want to set the image size as a fixed size of 65x65

The problem I am having is when you upload a vertical
type picture it will apply the 65 to the height but not
the width - it instead applies a proportional size to
the width making the width smaller than 65

Likewise with a horizontal picture - you get the 65 on
the width but less on the height

Is there a way that I can get a fixed square size pic?
anybody know if this is possible and what code should
be used?

Reason for wanting a square pic is that I am running a
thumbnail against all links in a category so it would look
more tidy to have set picture size

Have tried using the default setting thumbnail size in
file settings but get the same results

The coding I am using is below - I am linking the picture to
the detail page which works fine

<IF {ATTACHISIMAGE}><a href="{LINKDETAILSURL}"><img src="thumbnail.php?id={LINKID}&attachid={ATTACHID}&thumbwidth=65&thumbheight=65" alt="image" border="0"></a>

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Submission Date Feb 18, 2007 - 5:18 PM