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WSN Codes wrong in table

Title WSN Codes wrong in table
Description =parameter ??
Message Text This is what i get if i click on the WSN Codes help Table. Well I see it in a nice table, not like this wink:
[b]your text[/b] <b>your text</b> Put text in bold. 
[i]your text[/i] <i>your text</i> Put text in italics. 
[u]your text[/u] <u>your text</u> Underline text 
[quote=parameter]=parameteryour text[/quote] <div class="quote"><span class="quoteby">parameter wrote:</span><br>your text</div> Quote text written by someone. 
[quote]your text[/quote] <div class="quote">your text</div> Quote without attribution. 
[url=parameter]=parameteryour text[/url] <a target="_blank" href=parameter>your text</a> Link text to a URL. 
[url]your text[/url] <a target="_blank" href=your text>your text</a> Link a URL. 
[img]your text[/img] <img src="http://localhost/wsnlinks/your text" border="0"> Display an image from a URL. 
<code]your text</code] <div class="code">your text</div> Type code such as HTML, PHP, C++, etc. 
[color=parameter]=parameteryour text[/color] <span style="color: parameter">your text</span> Places text in specified color. 
[size=parameter]=parameteryour text[/size] <font size=parameter>your text</font> Set the size of text. 
[list]your text[/list] <ul>your text</ul> List of bullet points. 
[*]your text <li>your text Bullet point inside a list. 
[numbered]your text[/numbered] <ol>your text</ol> Numbered list. 
[font=parameter]=parameteryour text[/font] <span style="font-family: parameter">your text</span> Put text in the specified font. 
[hr]your text <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;">your text Horizontal rule. 
[center]your text[/center] <div style="text-align: center;">your text</div> Center text. 
[right]your text[/right] <div style="text-align: right;">your text</div> Align text to right. 
[indent=parameter]=parameteryour text[/indent] <div style="margin-left: parameterpx;">your text</div> Indent by specified number of pixels. 
[highlight=parameter]=parameteryour text[/highlight] <span style="background-color: parameter">your text</span> Set background color for text. 
[email]your text[/email] <a href="mailto:your text">your text</a> Clickable email address. 
[strike]your text[/strike] <strike>your text</strike> Cross out text. 

As you can see, the codes containing parameters, have the '=parameter' double. This is not intended, is it? Sadly, i could not find the variables under "language" to replace it. Also, i have inserted "..,scrollbars=yes" now to the variable for this window. Sadly, Firefox strangely gives no output in this window anymore, also without scrollbars.. did i do sth wrong somewhewr? Cheers, Starship-Trooper
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Submission Date Feb 16, 2007 - 1:41 PM