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Title pathtoconfig
Description using tweaks.php
Message Text I have found that to use twearks.php we do have to change the order of the following at prestart.php: now: if ($inadmindir) { require '../'. $pathtoconfig .'config.php'; } else { require $pathtoconfig .'config.php'; } if ($inadmindir) { if (file_exists('../tweaks.php')) { require_once '../tweaks.php'; } } else { if (file_exists('tweaks.php')) { require_once 'tweaks.php'; } } oder change to work with tweaks.php: if ($inadmindir) { if (file_exists('../tweaks.php')) { require_once '../tweaks.php'; } } else { if (file_exists('tweaks.php')) { require_once 'tweaks.php'; } } if ($inadmindir) { require '../'. $pathtoconfig .'config.php'; } else { require $pathtoconfig .'config.php'; } Edit: Also in order to work inside admin directory, when moving the config.php we do have to specify the path to mysql.php, -at config.php as: require_once '/user/home/myserver/public_html/mysite/mydirectory/databases/mysql.php'; And in order to be able to update admin system configuration: -at /admin/prefs.php we should change "../config.php" to "../".$pathtoconfig."config.php"
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Submission Date Nov 22, 2006 - 8:15 PM