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Uh, maybe some new insight

Title Uh, maybe some new insight
Description <ducking> more about new posts being wiped
Message Text Just to recap since I don't want to go and dig up all my earlier posts on this... I just logged in after a couple/few weeks of not visiting this forum. New posts showed 3 pages of new posts.. I wrote a message and then new posts were reduced to 1 post -- my new message. FWIW this is in Firefox so this at least side steps any issues with Opera.. Anyhow, after seeing the same old occurance as described above I'm staring at the new posts since [last login] and am thinking that maybe once I post (or maybe a certain amount of time passes this session?) somehow the "last login" time is being changed from my 'practicle last login' 3 weeks ago to the 'literal last login' that was 30-35 minutes ago -- hence my new message -is- the only new message. All I do know is that it's aggrevating since now I can't go and read what has been posted since my last login through the new messages function.. sad
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Submission Date Oct 03, 2006 - 6:18 PM