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More phpBB integration questions

Title More phpBB integration questions
Message Text OK, I have an existing wsnlinks board with 2259 members. I also have a long running phpBB board with 2,260 members. Since it is a pain to administer two sets of users, I have decided that I am going to integrate wsnlinks to use the phpBB user database. So, now here is my problem...how do I... 1) Make sure admins and moderators on the phpBB are moderators on wsnlinks. For example, I am NigelReed user_id 2 on phpBB but I am nelgin and id=1 on wsnlinks. So...how do I handle that? 2) If people have submitted links on wsnlinks, how do they access them now that I have moved the authentication to the phpBB side. 3) The docs say that I should not delete the wsnlinks_members table, but can I empty it once I have get everything right, so there is no confusion? What other tables are no longer needed once integration has taken place? EDIT to add the following... The edit profile section in wsnlinks doesn't reflect the information in the profile for phpBB. For example the profile does not reflect my signature, icq, msn or other addresses, timezone or lots of other information. This is going to confuse my users, having two profiles when it is supposed to be an integrated system. Thanks, Nigel
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Submission Date Oct 02, 2006 - 5:48 AM