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Some Help Wth Some Things...

Title Some Help Wth Some Things...
Description Misc assistence requist
Message Text A few things I am in need of some guidance with. I have been setting up http://www.globalmerchant.org with the WSN link program for the past few weeks. Thus far I have over a thousand categories with another 500-700 to go. Then I have to populate those categories. 1. When bulk adding categories sometimes it creates duplicates and all without me pushing submit twice. It then, depending upon how many categories there are takes me a VERY long time to delete the duplicates. Sometimes 20-30 minutes, especially when counties or cities are duplicated or any sub-directory additions in bulk. Does anyone know of a time saving solution for this? 2. In primary directories, sometimes it makes sense after they evolve to create sub categories. At which time the links within the parent category need to be moved to sub-categories within the parent category. I see no way of conveniently moving these links, other then creating a new link or moving them into another parent category with a unique ID. What is the time efficient solution for this? 3. With regards to sponsorship, I would like to try ULSsearch that is integrated into WSN links. The thing is however, I am not yet able to make them display. One possible error I see is: *Link type which will be used to display the PPC results: (must be unique -- cannot use link type that has other links in it) The link type has no drop down options for the link types and is blank. Please let me know, Nathan Young
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Submission Date Sep 05, 2006 - 11:19 AM