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comments not working

Title comments not working
Message Text I first posted this on the wsnforum board (https://www.webmastersite.net/forums/threads/Edit_... ) I have just noticed that the comments on the wsn links aren't working either They were originally working and I'm not sure exactly when they stopped - possibly when I upgraded to 3.4.1???? When you go to post a comment to a link you cannot click on the edit box. Same as with the forum - cannot post at all. I have now had to close the forum because of it. Site is http://www.thedogscene.co.uk [edit] I just checked and the last post on the forum was on 13th August. I upgraded to 3.4.1 on that same day. Coincidence?
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Submission Date Aug 19, 2006 - 8:54 AM