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Toplist for each category

Title Toplist for each category
Message Text Hello, we would like to create a site portal like www.startpagina.nl so we have to make a toplist for each category on the main page. The problem is that we have to create a lot of toplists that causes a lot of "server stress". A better way for this would be a toplist that creates a colomn for each category with the most popular links in it. Something like this (but it doesn't work): <!-- BEGIN CATSBODY --> <!-- BEGIN REGULAR --> here comes the category info <!-- END REGULAR --> <!-- BEGIN TOPLIST 1 --> <CONFIG>links,hits,10,descending,catid = {CATID},0,1,0,0,0,0</CONFIG> here comes the links info <!-- END TOPLIST 1 --> <!-- END CATSBODY --> Kind regards.
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Submission Date Aug 07, 2006 - 9:24 AM