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Custom Search needed

Title Custom Search needed
Message Text Hi all, I am hoping somone can help me (or just post the solution) with a custom search I want to use on my site. I keeping running into walls. Here's the deal: My site is customized WSN where teachers can submit teaching ideas for different subjects and grade levels. References to "links' have been changed to "tips" I am using WSN more of a database than a links directory. Anyway, I have created a custom field called {LINKLEVEL} where teachers can select (or multiselect) the grade level that their teaching idea is most appropriate for using the checkbox option. Their grade level options are: All PreK-K 1st-2nd 3rd-4th 5th-6th I want the main search tool on each page to be where the teacher selects the grade level desired from a drop down list (with "All" being the default) and then enter in a text field the keywords they are looking for. The search results will of course show links (teaching tips) with those key words at that level. I have tried modifying the advanced search from that template but I keep screwing up when it comes to my custom field. ANY help is greatly appreciated. If you want to look at the site you may do so at http://www.teachertipsheaven.com but understand that it is still heavily under construction. TIA!!! Fairago
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Submission Date Jul 16, 2006 - 6:08 PM