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Timeout errors still

Title Timeout errors still
Description even after disabling category selector....
Message Text I disabled the category selector so that I could edit categories, but I really need to get into the edit categories page and I keep getting a timeout error. The error is in /classes/category.php line 1749 Here is some info about my site....I haven't even added links to the categories yet, so I'm a little worried about what will happen when there's more data. smiling face You're running WSN Links 3.3.11. Links: 2 with 14 hits out Categories: 92 (792 counting subcategories) Comment Posts: 2 Members: 1 Any ideas? I seem to remember that there was a tip on how to disable the 30 second limit, so if anyone knows how to do that I'd appreciate it as I couldn't find it again. Thanks, Jen
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Submission Date Jun 26, 2006 - 7:47 PM